NSW Test & Tag Requirements

For NSW specifically, the test and tag requirements used to be slightly different to the other states with regards to the test and tag colours and the AS/NZS 3012 Standard.
Because the older regulation is sometimes still used on construction sites, it is important that you have a clear understanding of what is and isn't allowed in case you come across it at your job.
Originally, New South Wales required people to test and tag on construction sites once a month (as opposed to every three months for the other states), with a different test tag colour associated with each month. About five years ago these test and tag intervals changed and then re-aligned itself with the rest of Australia in it being every three months. It is believed this was changed for added simplicity and to have one rule for everyone.
Recently the Test and Tag Standard was updated in 2022 and now includes a host of changes since the previous version set in 2010. It's also now referred to as AS/NZS 3760:2022 which affects both Australia and New Zealand.
NSW Test & Tag Colours
On the older system, it used to be one month testing with the following colours:
Red | January & September |
Blue | February & July |
Orange | March & November |
Green | April & August |
White | May & December |
Some people in NSW still adhere to the older colour coding and do prefer it. Because the older system required more frequent testing (every one month instead of three), it is certainly not frowned upon, nor is it doing the wrong thing.
Instead, it is acceptable and up to the people responsible for the construction site to determine if testing is required monthly and what colours are used.
However, the majority of people now testing construction sites in NSW do indeed test it every three months for added simplicity.
Current Test & Tag Colours According to AS/NZS 3012 Standard
These are now the official in NSW, along with the rest of Australia.
If you have any particular questions about the the AS/NZS 3012 or 3760 Standard, please contact us and we'll be happy to help. Alternatively, you can also contact Safe Work NSW for more information.
You can also undertake a test and tag course to learn everything you need to know, with courses run across New South Wales.