Test & Tag Training Digital Certificate

Test & Tag Digital Certificate

Test & Tag Training Certificates will now be 100% digital - meaning no more waiting for it to arrive in the mail and easier than ever to show your ID.

You’ll receive your official, verifiable certification once you have completed all components of your test and tag course and we have awarded your certificate.

How it Works

We’re making certification easier, faster, and more secure than ever before. 

  • Add to your Digital Wallet - works with Apple and Android to connect your verifiable certificate, making it simple for employers to instantly confirm
  • No More Waiting - get your test and tag certificate instantly. No delays, no postage, no hassle
  • 100% Secure and Tamper-Proof - blockchain-backed security ensures your certification cannot be faked or altered, giving confidence to employers
  • Easily Shareable - need to prove you're a Competent Person? Share your certificate via email, social media or print it out yourself
  • Always Accessible - your credentials are stored online, meaning you can access them anytime from anywhere
  • Eco-Friendly - going digital means no paper, no postage, no waste - better for you, better for the environment

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i receive my digital certificate?

Once you finish your Test & Tag Training course, we first make sure that you have succesfully completed all parts of it. Once confirmed on our end, your digital certificate will be issued. You'll receive an email with a secure link to access, download, and be able share your certificate anytime.

Will my employer accept a digital certificate?

Yes! Our digital test and tag certificates are official, secure, and blockchain-backed. This means they're tamper-proof and easy to verify. You can easily share your certificate with employers via email.

Can I get a digital version of my old certificate?

Yes! If you completed a Test & Tag Training course in the past with us specifically, you can request a digital version of your certificate. Simply contact us with your details, and we'll verify and issue your digital credential.

How do i share my digital certificate?

There are a few ways you can do this! The easiest way is to simply save your certificate as a PDF and attach it to an email or upload it to any platform you're using. Otherwise, you can share a direct a link. You can copy the unique URL and then share it via email, messenger, social media etc. If you're on the job and need to show it, the QR code shown on your digital wallet is instantly verifiable.