Test & Tag Certification: Does it Expire?

Renewing Test and tag training

In Australia, to test and tag you must be considered a 'Competent Person' under the AS/NZS 3760:2022 Standard. Completing a Test and Tag Course will deem you competent - but what happens after you finish? Do you need to refresh your training? 

The short answer: No, you don't have to redo the course. However, to retain your status as a Competent Person, you must:

  • Keep your skills up-to-date
  • Stay up-to-date with the AS/NZS 3760:2022 Standard
  • Maintain knowledge of any changes to testing

This isn't about ticking a box - it's about safety and ensuring you're testing correctly. 

How to Maintain Test & Tag Competency

Here are the top ways you can stay compliant and confident:

1. Complete Online Refresher Test & Tag Course

If you're feeling unsure about specific tests or just need more confidence, our Refresher Course is designed specifically:

  • Prove your maintaining your competency
  • Stay confident in testing and tagging
  • Refreshing your skills so they're current

2. Staying up-to-date with Australian Standards

The Standards changed in 2022 and new requirements can appear. Regularly reviewing the AS/NZS 3760 Standard is critical. It helps ensure you're testing and tagging correctly and is inline with any changes. 

3. Join our updates

Don't have time to check the Standards? We hear you. Opt-in to our email updates and we'll keep you informed about any major changes and new ways of testing and tagging particular electrical equipment. 

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