Nationally Recognised Face-to Face Course

This is the highest qualification available in Australia and has been designed to give you all the skills and competency required to begin testing and tagging. This course has been completed by individuals, large corporations and hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses.

Units of Competency

By completing the Nationally Recognised Course you will receive a statement of attainment for UEESS00174 - Electrical Safety Testing of Electrical Cord Connected Equipment and Cord Assemblies Skill Set.

This Skill Set contains the following Units of Competency which you will complete as part of this course:

UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

UEERL0003 - Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies

  • Costs: $495 GST Exempt
  • Duration: 1 full day (8-9 hours), plus online WHS component (3-4 hours)
  • Learning Style: Virtual Classroom
  • Qualifications Received: Statements of Attainment & ID card with Certificate No.
  • Qualification Level: Highest level (ASQA approved)
  • Electrical knowledge: No previous electrical knowledge or background is required